People often assume that healthy children can shake off illness quickly, but it is not that way with a virus like the flu. Healthy children can become sick very quickly and children under five are the group most likely to be admitted to hospital. In 2017, over half of the children admitted to hospital with […]...Read More
Advocating for immunisation across the lifespan
In 2017 not only were there over 250,000 cases of laboratory-confirmed flu but also 1,100 Australians died from influenza complications. And the flu does not discriminate – it affects people of all ages, and infections among the elderly are more likely to require hospitalisation or cause serious complications such as pneumonia and heart attacks. […]...Read More
Experts concerned about Australians being exposed this Flu Season. Latest survey shows: less than half of Australian adults intend to get a flu shot this year! The National Immunisation Program provides free influenza vaccine for the elderly, as well as other high-risk groups including pregnant women, those with chronic diseases and Indigenous Australians 15 years […]...Read More