Children and the flu

People often assume that healthy children can shake off illness quickly, but it is not that way with a virus like the flu. Healthy children can become sick very quickly and children under five are the group most likely to be admitted to hospital. In 2017, over half of the children admitted to hospital with […]

Immunisation Coalition

People often assume that healthy children can shake off illness quickly, but it is not that way with a virus like the flu. Healthy children can become sick very quickly and children under five are the group most likely to be admitted to hospital. In 2017, over half of the children admitted to hospital with the flu were previously healthy children.


In the videos below, Dr Margie Danchin (Immunisation Coalition Director and Royal Children’s Hospital paediatrician) discusses tips on preventing the spread of the flu virus, why parents should get their children vaccinated and the importance of getting a flu shot every year.




Page Published: 15 May 2018 | Page Updated: 13 May 2020