The Immunisation Coalition’s annual update on Influenza Vaccination is for GPs, Immunisation Nurses, Pharmacists, and other immunisation professionals.
Healthcare Professionals have an important role in prompting patients to consider the benefits of influenza vaccination and addressing concerns about efficacy and safety.
Presenter: Angela Newbound
Angela Newbound is an Immunisation Education Consultant based in South Australia, and is a member of the Immunisation Coalition. She has been involved in immunisation program delivery in South Australia for over 20 years, originally as an immunisation provider and in program coordinator roles within the Divisions of General Practice, SA Health Immunisation Section, the Medicare Local Network and presently the Primary Health Network. Angela provides clinical advice, support and education to a wide range of immunisation providers across South Australia and contributes to the development of immunisation resources to assist providers with challenging aspects of the immunisation program.
Moderator: Dr. Andrew Minton, PhD
Andrew has a background in medical education, medical information and has worked in pharmaceutical industry across a number of disease areas.
He recently joined the Immunisation Coalition and is responsible for developing accredited and non-accredited infectious disease education for HCPs.