Options XII For The Control Of Influenza

Options XII brings together leaders in research practitioners, industry reps and policy makers from around the world to advance the knowledge of influenza, as well as SARS-CoV-2 and RSV.

Immunisation Coalition
Start: September 29, 2024: - Ends: October 2, 2024:

Now held every 2 years, the Options Congress brings together leading researchers, practitioners, industry representatives and policy makers from all around the world to explore and advance our understanding of influenza and its impact on human and animal health.

The programme has also expanded to feature spotlights on the latest advances in the fields of SARS-CoV-2 and RSV.

Other highlights for this edition:

Pacific Island and First Nations Health 

This conference dedicates special attention to the unique health challenges faced by Pacific Island communities and First Nations populations, examining their cultural, socioeconomic, and geographical factors that influence the spread and impact of influenza. Discussions will explore culturally sensitive approaches to prevention, community engagement, and healthcare delivery.

Interdisciplinary Science 

We strongly believe that interdisciplinary collaboration is key to unravelling the complexities of influenza. Through interactive workshops, panel discussions, and cross-disciplinary sessions, the conference will foster collaboration between scientists, industry partners, practitioners and policy makers from diverse fields, including virology, immunology, epidemiology, public health, clinical medicine and policy development.

Knowledge Exchange and Networking 

This conference provides a vibrant platform for attendees to engage in meaningful discussions, share best practices, and forge new collaborations. Interactive poster sessions, networking events, and social activities will facilitate connections and knowledge exchange among participants.

Policy and Advocacy

Recognising the importance of policy and advocacy in tackling influenza and improving public health, the conference will feature sessions focused on policy development, implementation, and resource allocation. Discussions will emphasise the needs of Pacific Island communities, First Nations populations, and interdisciplinary approaches to inform evidence-based policies.

Registration is not open but for more information go here: https://www.optionsxii2024.org.uk/

Page Published: 10 January 2024 | Page Updated: 15 August 2024