When: Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 7:30pm AEDT
About the Webinar
This 60-minute online event comprises medical educator-facilitated peer learning regarding travel vaccination in the general practice setting.
Based on two case studies of commonly encountered travel consultations, this event will update participants’ knowledge of travel vaccination prescribing, including recommendations for Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, dengue fever, cholera, rabies, influenza and COVID.
This event meets the RACGP requirements for 1 CPD hour for Reviewing Performance.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Describe current recommendations for travel vaccinations pertaining to commonly encountered travel consultations in general practice
- Counsel patients regarding the utility of travel vaccines and the diseases against which they provide protection
- Assist patients to assess the risk versus benefit profiles of vaccinating against seasonally affected infectious diseases
- Reflect on their current travel medicine approaches and identify opportunities for practice improvement
Dr Anita Muñoz
MBBS (Hons), FRACGP, Grad Cert Clin Teach, MPH, GAICD
Anita worked as a Clinical Editor and Clinical Advisor for 6 years with North Western Melbourne PHN through which a passion for health system improvement, innovation, sustainability, and equity emerged. She sees general practice as the key to a rational health system that produces better outcomes for patients and practitioners alike. Anita Muñoz is a GP in private practice in Melbourne’s CBD and has a dedication to evidence-based medicine, lifelong learning, and promoting the role of general practice in the health of patients, communities and in public health more broadly.
Anita has held advisory positions with Better Care Victoria and Safer Care Victoria and has been a medical educator for over 9 years. She is particularly preoccupied with the wellbeing and experience of general practice registrars, and of securing a high-quality general practice workforce for the future.
Watch on YouTube Online Peer Learning Travel Vaccination in General Practice_28.11.2023