Respiratory Infectious Diseases Podcast Series

Listen to expert clinicians talk about disease identification, prevention and management options.


Welcome to the podcast series on seasonal respiratory infections. There are four 15-minute CPD accredited podcasts to listen to. These include respiratory infections, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza, pertussis and other respiratory infections.

Each podcast is presented by two Australian experts. They provide their expert opinion on disease identification, prevention and management options.

You must listen to two podcasts (1&2 or 3&4) to earn 0.5 CPD hours.

Listen to all four podcasts for 1 CPD hour.

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To access these podcasts and get CPD hours, simply sign up to the Immunisation Coalition Education Portal.

Signing up is free and only takes a few minutes.

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Podcasts 1 & 2: Respiratory Infections & RSV

Podcast 1: Respiratory Infections

Presented by Professor Robert Booy, a paediatrician from Sydney Children’s Hospital and Associate Professor Shidan Tosif, a paediatrician from the Royal Children’s Hospital and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne.


Podcast 2: Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Presented by Associate Professor Hannah Moore, the Program Head, Infections and Vaccines at Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, co-Head of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases, and Dr Rama Kandasamy, a paediatrician from Westmead Children’s Hospital.



Prof Robert Booy
Podcast 1: Respiratory Infections
A/Prof Shidan Tosif
Podcast 1: Respiratory Infections
A/Prof Hannah Moore
Podcast 2: Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Dr Rama Kandasamy
Podcast 2: Respiratory Syncytial Virus
RACGP ID 913351 RACGP ID 913351

Podcasts 3 & 4: Influenza & Pertussis And Other Respiratory Infections

Podcast 3: Influenza

Presented by Professor Raina Mclntyre, NHMRC Leadership Fellow and Global Biosecurity Professor at Kirby Institute, Sydney, and Angela Newbound, an immunisation education consultant based in South Australia.


Podcast 4: Pertussis And Other Respiratory Infections

Presented by Professor Joseph Torresi, NHMRC Practitioner Fellow and Professor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne, and Professor Robert Booy, a paediatrician from Sydney Children’s Hospital, Sydney.



Prof Raina Mclntyre
Podcast 3: Influenza
Angela Newbound
Podcast 3: Influenza
Prof Joseph Torresi
Podcast 4: Pertussis And Other Respiratory Infections
Prof Robert Booy
Podcast 4: Pertussis And Other Respiratory Infections
RACGP ID 913388 RACGP ID 913388

Immunisation Coalition podcast series, sponsored by Sanofi

Page Published: 13 August 2024 | Page Updated: 3 September 2024