2018 Adult Immunisation Forum

The 3rd Adult Immunisation Forum was held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Friday 8th June 2018, immediately following the PHAA National Immunisation Conference.

Immunisation Coalition

Forum aims

Building on the success of our 2017 forum, the 3rd Adult Immunisation Forum aimed:


To have a greater understanding of adult immunisation.


  1. To better understand the burden of vaccine preventable diseases in adults.
  2. To build an awareness of the challenges and strategies for improved vaccination in adults.
  3. To hear of the latest developments in vaccination programs for all adults.
  4. To consider ways of improving knowledge about immunisation best practice.

To download the program click here.

Session 1: Adult vaccination - an overview

Monitoring of immunisation and outcomes

Effective immunisation implementation strategies in adults

Session 2: The challenge of vaccination in older persons

Elderly immunisation/immunosenescence

Epidemiology of pneumococcal disease post PCV13

Epidemiology of pneumococcal disease in indigenous population in post 13vPCV era

Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Zoster update

Session 3: Vaccination of younger adults

Influenza and pregnancy

Meningococcal B, W & Y

Online education – Benchmarque

Page Published: 11 June 2018 | Page Updated: 1 March 2023